Senin, 01 Februari 2016


Delicious Italian Pizza


Authentic Italian Pizza by Chef Asri Saraswati. A cozy  restaurant with cream sand colored walls, deep toned wood counters and furnishings and natural grey stone.

  • Italian Cuisine
  • Italian Pizza and Pasta
  • Mozarella Pizza
  • Red velvet Pizza
  • Green Tea Pizza
  • Vegetable Pizza
  • Various Kinds of juice
  • Best Italian Drink

Business Hour Details :

Sunday to Thursday : 11.30 AM to 2.30 PM
Friday to Saturday    : 11.30 AM to 5.30 PM

Address :
Jatibening Estate Street
Bekasi 19924
Phone :  +659484938  

Biography and Profil of Najwa Shihab


Full Name       : Najwa Shihab

Birth Place      : Makassar, South Sulawesi

Born Date       : September 16, 1977

Nationality      : Indonesian

Religion           : Islam

Husband          : Ibrahim Sjarief Assegaf

Son                  : Izzat Assegaf

Parents            : Quraisy Shihab (Father), Fatmawati Assegaf (Mother)

Official Link   : / @najwashihab


Najwa Shihab commonly called Nana is a television news anchor and reporter, achievers and professionals. Nana was born in Makassar, South Sulawesi, September 16, 1977. Najwa is the second daughter of Quraish Shihab, a former Minister of religious affairs in the era of the seventh development Cabinet. At the 20 years old, Nana was young married with Ibrahim Assegaf, and she already had a boy called Izzat (6 years old). Najwa Shihab attended starting from School of Al-Quran in Kindergarden, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Hidayah in Elementary school, Then a Junior high school and Senior high school in Al-Ikhlas, Kaffir lime, South Jakarta. And then, Proceeded to the Faculty of law of the University of Indonesia, completed in 2000.

When second grade of high school, Najwa Shihab had the opportunity AFS (American Field Service), Namely student exchange program to the United States, the program is implemented by the Foundation for community development, Intercultural for over a year in the us. First, she early endeavors in RCTI, 2001. But later, She chose to join the Metro TV. Najwa Shibab joined Metro TV as news presenter since 2001 and in 2005, she became the News anchor of the program “Mata Najwa”.

A lot achievement of najwa shihab’s grab and obtain various award, as from PWI (Association Journalist of Indonesia) central and PWI Jaya to reports from Aceh, when disaster of tsunami hit the area, December 2004, Nana also took the awards on Day of National Press (HPN) on February 9 2005, Nana won the award to day of national press award. 2006 she was elected as a best journalist of Metro TV, and empties best nomination news ancor of Panasonic awards. In the same year, with a number of journalists from various countries, Najwa be chosen as participants senior journalist of seminar held in several us cities, and as the speaker in convention asian american journalist association 2007, besides back in nomination news ancor in the best panasonic awards, she also included nomination the great of 5 event at the asia, namely Asian Television Awards In The Category of Best Current Affairs or Talk Show Presenter.

In 2008, Najwa Shihab departed for Australia as a Full Scholarship for winning the Australian Leadership Awards, to deepen legal science of media. In 2010, Najwa Shihab back on as best news Presenter nomination Panasonic Awards. In 2011, Najwa Shihab awarded Asian Television Awards (ATA) as the second winner or Highly Commended for Best Current Affairs Presenter in the show “Mata Najwa” on Metro TV. In 2009, also became the second champion and in 2007 finished third. Najwa Shihab from Metro TV award winning of Young Global Leader (YGL) 2011 of the World Economic Forum (WEF), based in Geneva, Switzerland, for the professional achievement, commitment to society and potential contribution in shaping the future of the world with leadership that inspires young people against the other.

Najwa Shihab is the first journalist to interview President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, shortly after the inauguration. Almost all the national political space she ever interviewed. International figures who once she interviewed, among others, is a former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim.


Conversation with Najwa Shihab 

What is your full name?

Najwa :
My full name is Najwa Shihab, but usually called Nana.

Me : 
Where you was born?

Najwa : 
I was born in Makassar, September 16, 1997.

Me : 
Can you tell me anywhere you have studying?

Najwa :
Basically, I was born from religious families.I was educated from from Al-Quran of Kindergarden, Nurul Hidayah Islamic of Elementary school, and Al-Ikhlas of Junior and Senior High School, Jeruk Purut, South Jakarta. And then proceeded to the Faculty of  Law, University of Indonesia, was graduated in 2000.                            
Me : 
Famous as news ancor, whether you have a formal account or social media?

Najwa :
I have an official account on and my twitter account is @najwashihab

Me : 
Do you already have a husband?

Najwa :
Yes, I young married, with Ibrahim Sjarief Assegaf, and now we already have a son who was called Izzat, his aged 6 years old.

Me : 
Shihab is your last name, Is there a blood relationship with Quraish Shihab?

Najwa :
Yes, I am a second daughter of Quraish Shihab, a former Minister of Religion in the part of Development Cabinet VII. 

Me : 
Could you tell a little experience when senior high school?

Najwa :
At the time of eleventh grade, I had a chance AFS (American Field Service), Student exchange program to the United States, the program is implemented by the Intercultural Development Foundation, for one years in the US. 

Me : 
Where first your pioneering career?

Najwa :
I first pioneering career in RCTI, and I chose to move to Metro TV at the same position as presenter and news ancor.

Me        : 
Can you tell any award ever achieved?

Najwa :
If talking about the achievements, there are some accomplishments that i have achieved and gained various awards, such as from the PWI (Indonesian Journalists Association) center and PWI Jaya my reports of Aceh. I was assigned as a reporter at the event, when the tsunami struck the region, precisely in December 2004, I also received an award at the National Press Day (HPN) on February 9, 2005, I won the award for HPN Award. In 2006, i was selected as the best Metro TV journalist, and was nominated for best news ancor Panasonic Awards. in the same  years, along with a number of journalists from various countries, i was elected to the participant Journalis Seminar which took place in several cities in the US, and was a speaker at the convention Asian American Journalist Association in 2007, in addition to renominated news ancor, best  of television award for best current affairs or talk show presenter. and at the beginning of 2008, i went to explore the science of   media low. In 2010, i was renominated best best presenter Panasonic   Awards. In 2011, i was awarded the Asian Television Awards (ata) in 2011 as the winner of the second or highly commended for best current affairs presenter in "Mata Najwa" show on Metro TV. Earlier in 2009, also won the second and 2007, became the third champion. i have also been awarded Young Global Leader (YGL) in 2011 of the World Economic Forum (WEF) based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Me : 
Who are the political figures that you have ever interviewed?

Najwa  : 
I was the first journalist to interview President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, when shortly after he was sworn in. almost all national political figures i have ever interviewed.                    

Me : 
Who is international character ever interviewed?

Najwa :
Foreign leaders I have ever interviewed, one of whom is a former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister is Anwar Ibrahim.

Me : 
For the last question, if the principle of your life?

Najwa :
I am a hard worker, and I very believe who work hard will definitely get a reward. After that, do not forget to become a better person from day to day.


Tea In Ndoro Donker Tea House

When new year’s holiday, exactly on December 27 2016, My family with I go to my hometown in Solo, Central Java. During in Solo, My family with I visited some culinary places and tourist destinations had been noted in the Solo. From many tourist sites and culinary we have been visited, i am most interested in culinary places “Ndoro Donker Tea House”. I never been visited culinary places like this. In Ndoro Donker Tea House, i enjoyed something i had never felt. Not because the price, and not because the food although here quite of food. But because of the tea and the atmosphere. I had never felt the tea house like this. For me, Ndoro Donker Tea House is culinary places and tourist attractions nature, because it offers share cafe food and drink with a additionaly sights and the charming atmosphere. Just for information, Location of Ndoro Donker Tea House in Karangpandan Street, Ngargoyoso Village, Karanganyar Solo, Central Java.

When i was in Ndoro Donker Tea House, i ordered super premium white tea as a favorite tea in this Tea House and a cup of chamomile tea .Ndoro Donker Tea House is famous for a Tea drink, and i ordering food is kare chicken, ribs fuel, and honey potato. Is not only tea who favors, the food is favors too. Especially be supported with beautiful and the cool air in here.

How Ndoro Donker Tea House can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful views?

Of course, Donker Tea House is located on the lower slopes of Lawu mount, and is surrounded of kemuning tea garden. The tea house is also near of the Grojogan Sewu or the famous name is Tawamangu waterfall. Can you imagine how beautiful views here. We are united with nature while enjoying the food and the tea and were treated of the views of the tea garden and the mountain.

Why Ndoro Donker be famous of delight tea ?

Because tea in Ndoro Donker made directly with a tea leaves plantation in surrounding tea house. A tea kemuning, these are the names of the estate tea it. Here there is a whole range of the tea, including tea super white premium, mint, chamomile, green tea, black tea, oolong tea, radja tea, earl gray tea, lady gray tea, passion fruit tea, and forest tea. If you will go to hometown or even on holiday to goals Yogya, Solo, Boyolali or Madiun and surrounding areas. I recommend to visit to Ndoro Donker Tea House. If you have visited, i assure never regret. And Thank you Ndoro Donker Tea House for over delight drink, food, especially the cool air and for amazing views. 

See you next time, Ndoro Donker..